* A shot of a lampost illuminated by sunlight. The words “we’re the ones who break barriers, build bridges, and shift paradigms” are on the screen. * A professor shows a student how to work scientific equipment. * Students wearing athletic uniforms give each other standing shoulder massages. * A hand writes math on a chalkboard. * That hand is revealed to be a student, who has two other students watching her at the chalkboard. * A student uses a telescope in a room with pink lights. The words on the screen change to “At Wellesley, we learn how.” * A student plays a piano in a greenhouse. * Three people are having a conversation. Two of them are sitting in maroon chairs, with one standing. * Seven students sit at a table with their laptops open. * A student mimes picking a flower in an acting class. * A student wearing a mask uses a pipette. * A large group of students sit in a drum circle outside. * A student wearing a yellow sweater smiles at the camera. The words on the screen change to “we’re the ones who so often become the ‘firsts.’” * A student smiles and crosses her arms. * A student smiles in the sun by Lake Waban. * A student smiles in front of a green door. * A cut to the student walking away from the green door. She is wearing a striped sweater. The words on the screen change to “but we’re even prouder of the ‘nexts’ we make way for.” * That student is now dressed in business professional clothes and is walking through downtown Boston. * A wide shot of downtown Boston with the camera following the student.